ART. 337. No student shall be registered in any subject after one (1) week of regular meetings have been, held, unless the Dean, on the basis of the student’s scholastic record, permits his/her registration; provided that is registration is made outside the regular registration period indicated in the University calendar, the student shall be subject to a sine for late registration; provided, further, that special students may register at any time without any payment of the fine for late registration, subject to other regulations of the University. Students may register for particular subjects within a semester when permissible under the system of instruction adopted by the college or school.
ART. 338. The enrollment of cross-registrants is subject to the approval of the Deans [through the College Secretaries] of the home unit and the accepting units/colleges.
ART. 339. The total number of units of credit for which a student may register in two (2) or more colleges or schools in the University shall not exceed the maximum allowed by the rules on academic load.