Excuse Slip
Excuse Slip

Online Filing and Processing of Excuse Slip (Excuse for Absence)

  1. Download the UPLB-OCS Form No. 101 (Excuse for Absence).
  2. Fill out the form and indicate the subject(s) you need to be excused including the date of absence from the class. Merge the form with the supporting documents (e.g. medical certificate) in a single PDF file with filename: Surname_DegreeProgram (e.g., Sy_BSAC).
  3. Upload it at tinyurl.com/CASExcuseSlip for the approval of the College Secretary.
  4. CAS-OCS will send the approved excuse slip via email. Once received, send it to the faculty-in-charge (FIC) for their signature.
  5. Submit the duly signed approved excuse slip by the FICs to tinyurl.com/CASExcuseSlipSigned.
7. excuse slip flowchart