The student accomplishes the following documents before he applies for reinstatement at the Office of the College Secretary (OCS):
A. Student’s letter of appeal addressed to the College Dean indicating a brief background of non-enrollment. The letter of appeal should be signed by parents, recommended by the Adviser and the Department Chairman/Director. [View Form]
B. Affidavit of non-enrollment in other institution for the time that the student was on AWOL.
C. Statement of parent’s support.
D. Plan of study – remaining courses (to be prepared by the student and approved by the adviser) detailing the courses to be taken from the time of reinstatement until graduation. [View Sample Plan of Study].
E. True copy of grades requested from the Office of the College Secretary.
F. Other document(s) which will support the reason for the non-enrollment.
G. Photocopy of parent’s ID with signature.
Note: All documents should be submitted to CAS-OCS in hard copy.