Application for LOA
Filing and Processing of Application for Leave of Absence (LOA)
- Submit a hard copy of the application letter for LOA (which includes the reason for LOA) to the CAS-OCS addressed to the CAS College Secretary, noted by the parent/guardian, and with recommending approval of the adviser and the unit director/department chair.
For students who are enrolled:
2. Wait for the approval of the College Secretary. Once approved, CAS-OCS issues the Application for LOA form.
3. Fill out the form and have it signed by your parent/guardian, the faculty-in-charge, and the adviser.
4. Submit the accomplished Application for LOA form with the approved letter for LOA and the receipt for payment for LOA to CAS-OCS.
5. Once approved, CAS-OCS issues the approved Application for LOA form.
For students who are not enrolled:
2. Wait for the approval of the College Secretary. Once approved, CAS-OCS issues the approved letter for LOA.
3. Pay the LOA fee and submit the receipt to the CAS-OCS.